Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Photos: See how the atmospheric river is battering California

A second atmospheric river battered California, flooding roadways and knocking out power to hundreds of thousands and prompting a rare warning for hurricane-force winds as the state braced for what could be days of heavy rains.
Forecasters now say 8 to 15 inches of rain could fall in the mountains and foothills of Southern California. Four to 8 inches are likely in lower-lying areas — prompting flash flood warning and concerns about possible debris flows.
Officials in Santa Barbara, Ventura and Los Angeles counties have given evacuation orders to a handful of high-risk neighborhoods in canyons and near rivers or streams.
The National Weather Service is urging people to stay home and off of roads through at least Monday morning. Though the rain could continue through Tuesday.
Take a look at conditions arorund the state.
